The apples are back. After the successful launch of Vital Days back in April, the second Health Week at the Fendt sites Asbach-Bäumenheim and Marktoberdorf kicked off on September 24. As well as the symbolic apples and numerous healthy snacks, this time staff are offered an extensive range of various facts and consultations, as well as mini-massages from a physiotherapist – making health fun.
Healthy in the future – Vital Days return to Fendt
The apples are back. After the successful launch of Vital Days back in April, the second Health Week at the Fendt sites Asbach-Bäumenheim and Marktoberdorf kicked off on September 24. As well as the symbolic apples and numerous healthy snacks, this time staff are offered an extensive range of various facts and consultations, as well as mini-massages from a physiotherapist – making health fun.
"As a company we have a certain duty of care"
"At Fendt we want to be different, better than other companies. The only thing others can't copy from us is our staff and their passion and commitment to Fendt. That's why our employees are a key part of our 2020 strategy," explains the chairman of the AGCO/Fendt Management Board, Peter-Josef Paffen. "As a company we have a certain duty of care and responsibility towards our employees. This means respect for one other and appreciating what everyone is doing here. With this, our second Health Week, we want to give fresh motivation for health awareness and send the message to our employees that we care."
"It all kicked off in April – now let's ramp it up!"
Back in mid-April, Fendt announced that it would invest even more in the future in employees' holistic and preventative health promotion. It all kicked off with the first Health Week for the Fendt factory union – which was a roaring success. "For us it was a conscious decision to stay with the topic of healthy eating, so it stays at the forefront of people's minds and employees are even more aware of its importance," says the new Health Manager, Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin. "The Health Week in April was a cracking kick off – now we're ramping it up!"
(left to right) Nils Mütze (Director Human Resources Germany, Austria, Netherlands), Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin (Project Manager for Health Management), Ekkehart Gläser (Managing Director for Production), Peter-Josef Paffen (Chairman of the AGCO/Fendt Board), Dr. Fabian Becker (Fendt Occupational Physician), Ulrich Wenzl (Head of Occupational Safety, Environment, Energy and Plant Safety), Rainer Strobel (Freelance Masseur), Markus Schafroth (Occupational Medic).
During the second Vital Days, Fendtlers at both locations are provided with healthy meals in the company canteen and free snacks such as cereal bars and multigrain sandwiches including lunch boxes. For the first time, the healthy range includes an AOK food stall, giving out practical information about food traps. Sugar cubes are taken as examples to show hidden sugar sources in snacks, drinks and ready meals.
Employees who are serious about addressing their diet can also register for a free consultation with a professional nutritionist.
You can also talk to Fendt occupational physicians, safety specialists and addiction counsellors. Whether it's to measure your blood pressure, calculate your average life expectancy based on risk factors or to talk about skin protection or vaccinations, our experts can answer all your questions. There's a physiotherapist giving mini-massages as a free trial offer for Health Week.
Project Manager for Health Management: Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin.
"A health mission statement of our own"
There will be more Vital Days to come, talking topical subjects. Fendt health management services will be further expanded and integrated.
"We have sat down with the board and plant management and are currently working on a common health philosophy. We want to have our own health mission statement so we can all have the same goals, measures and actions going forward," says Juliane Quaranta-Hoflin. "One of the challenges will be to respond to the different needs of the staff and to define measures both on a needs-basis and by target group. We do have to cater for desk jobs and production workstations, but there will be services in the future that will appeal to all employees."