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Fendt Slicer tine/roller conditioner

Prepare forage to perfection

Perfect ventilation

The forage drying process is shortened significantly by use of a conditioner. The conditioner helps rub the natural wax layer off the crop and quickly dries out the plants' sap. The light, airy swath also allows intensive air circulation and speeds up the removal of water, gaining valuable time, as you can get on with the rest of the process, and ideally save you time on tedding.

Tine rotor conditioner KC

The KC tine conditioner for the Fendt Slicer mowers has an easily adjustable counter comb which can be used to adjust the conditioning intensity with five settings. This really protects the forage; it stays strong and retains its structure. therefore allowing consistent conditioning, especially when it comes to grass. The tines are of course secured against loss.

Roller conditioner RC

The Fendt Slicer RC roller conditioner consists of two rubber profiles which mesh, and which can be used to adjust the compacting pressure. The large profile overlap means that on all models, only the lower roller is driven; the upper roller runs in sync. The foreign object protection with adjustable preload allows the upper roller to squeeze. This allows gentle yet intensive conditioning without loss of leaves. Roller conditioners are especially suited to vegetable harvesting.

Flexible conditioning

Adjust your forage harvesting equipment quickly and easily to suit outside conditions or the needs of your customers. Both conditioner types are driven directly and protected against overload by a shear bolt.

All conditioners are driven directly via a shaft in the main intake gearbox or via an implement driveline.

The KC spring-loaded tine conditioner with adjustable counter comb can be adjusted with 5 settings.

The next step to your Fendt Slicer

Experience in Hay

A century of silage expertise Tradition, innovation and passion – that’s the recipe for success of the silage centre of expertise in Feucht.