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Fendt Slicer FK series

Mountain specialists with rigid compact headstock and side shift for optimum slope mowing.
Experience the perfect front mowers for alpine farmers: Fendt Slicer 210 FKS and 260 FK! With a direct mount for optimal centre of gravity and slope stability, a light weight and a pendulum travel of +/- 9 degrees, they are the ideal choice for challenging slopes. The cutter bar with a working width of 2.05 or 2.50 metres ensures even swath placement and excellent delivery, even on slopes, thanks to its symmetrical running. Flexible in use thanks to interchangeable gearbox with left and right rotation, driven at 540 or 1000 rpm. Make mowing on steep slopes easier with the side shift on the Fendt Slicer 210 FKS and reliably protect your mower with the spring-loaded collision protection. With the Fendt Slicer series, you always have the perfect overview from your cab! See for yourself how easy they are to pull and turn your alpine challenges into child's play.
Fendt Slicer 210 FKS CGI