2018-07-17Press release

Fendt staff donates € 1,600 to special needs school

For the past 15 years, the Fendt Bundesliga betting community has made donations to charity projects in the Allgäu region. This year, up to € 1,600 were collected. The donation goes to the Don Bosco special needs school in Marktoberdorf.

2018-07-17Press release

Fendt staff donates € 1,600 to special needs school

For the past 15 years, the Fendt Bundesliga betting community has made donations to charity projects in the Allgäu region. This year, up to € 1,600 were collected. The donation goes to the Don Bosco special needs school in Marktoberdorf.

The Don Bosco School wants to use the donation of € 1,600 to finance a project which aims at raising awareness of sexual abuse. The EUKITEA children and youth theatre will be invited to the school in autumn 2018 to carry out the project. Their play “Mein Körper gehört mir” (“My body belongs to me”) is aimed at improving awareness of these issues among school pupils and parents.

“We are very grateful for this financial support,” says Heiner Tischer, Headmaster of the Don Bosco School. “Projects like these are really only possible through generous donations, and the money from the Fendt Bundesliga betting community will cover a large part of the project costs.”

The betting community came together for the first time in 2003 at the main Fendt site in Marktoberdorf. Since then, a great amount of the money collected has been donated to worthy causes. In total, donations of € 10,200 have been collected.

69 Fendt employees were part of this year's betting community. Around € 345, collected from entry fees, were added to the charity pot at the start of the season. The remaining donations were made from the prize money.


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